Add your Guardian program to the map

Please provide us with the following information so we can add your Indigenous Guardian program to the map. Please note the general public will see your contact information on the website. If you have any questions about creating a profile please contact
This description will be featured on your map marker icon [2-4 sentences]
This description will be featured on your map profile page. Consider including: the history of your program, the number of Guardians on your team, areas of interest in your territory, information about your community/territory, projects you are working on, and/or your program goals for the future.)
How to Get in Touch with Your Program
Social media link(s)
This photo will be featured on your map marker icon and map profile page. This photo will be publicly visible. Please ensure that you have proper consent to share this photo.
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, png, pdf.
The toolkit is a living repository of resources and stories. Please share resources related to your Indigenous Guardian program so that others can learn from your experiences related to building and implementing Indigenous Guardian programs. You can add operational policies, training curriculum, outreach material, program descriptions, monitoring plans, and your stories. Let us know and we can work with you to add your story to the Toolkit. These resources will be linked to your map profile.
Maximum 20 files.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: docx, doc, ppt, pptx, pdf.