TETÁCES Revitalization Project
The TETÁCES Revitalization Project will help restore the WSÁNEC Peoples’ historic connection with the Southern Gulf Islands, known as TETÁCES in the SENĆOŦEN language. This project will provide a series of five educational videos highlighting WSÁNEC traditional knowledge and the role that TETÁCES plays as part of WSÁNEC homeland — ÁLENENEC. The videos will highlight excursions of WSÁNEC elders and youth to the three southernmost islands:- S,DÁYES/ Pender; S,KTAK/Mayne and TEKTEKSEN/Saturna on Raincoast Conservation Foundation’s 66-foot research vessel the Achiever. These five videos will be owned by the WSÁNEC School Board and will be used in the tribal school curriculum to support the TETÁCES revitalization initiative.