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Teaching with the Land: Ideas based on the Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' Seasonal Round

This resource was developed by Daisy Hanson and Monique Comeau with ideas shared by Mindy Ogden. It is based on the seasonal calendar of Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nation and developed with Elders and knowledge keepers from this community. The resource includes themes for each month of the school year and lists out several subjects (science, English, math, social studies) and connections drawing specific lines between the subject curriculum and the themes of the month. The connections are linked to both curricular competencies and content knowledge in the BC curriculum. A list of inquiries (essential questions connected to the month’s theme) are also offered that could be used as the basis of an inquiry unit or to help introduce a lesson. One or two project ideas based on each month of the school calendar are also provided. In-depth project plans with lessons are not provided so that teachers are encouraged to make these projects their own. A few examples of land-based activities that are connected to the seasonal themes are also described.