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Budget Tracking Example

You want to make sure you know what you are spending each month and on what expenses – this helps you know how much money you have left to work with and makes sure you budget for what you need / want to do and don’t overspend on other things. You’ll also probably have to report back to those who are funding you / granting to you so if you keep track of this as you go along things will be much easier.

Sometimes you can save money by sharing resources with others. Here are some of the expenses you might be spending your funds on. You might also need to set up systems to allow you to buy these things (e.g. a purchasing order or other system so you don’t have to put all the money on your personal credit card or can make sure if you do that you get paid back in an easy / timely manner).

This template was shared by the Warrior program but can be adapted to other youth on the land/water programs.