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Moose Management Guide

Moose are very important for many Indigenous Nations throughout Canada. In most regions, moose populations are in decline. This moose management guide is a resource for Indigenous communities interested in developing a moose management plan for their territory with a focus on the role of Indigenous Guardians in taking care of this important

Each section of this guide provides a series of high-level questions to help guide thinking and direct conversations as you move through the steps to build a moose management plan. It is designed to help you identify practical and effective management and monitoring strategies to achieve your Nation’s goals for taking care of moose. This document draws on the knowledge and wisdom shared by participants and presenters at a Moose Management workshop held in Thompson, Manitoba Dec 3 – 4, 2018. Nature United and Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation hosted the workshop. We would like to acknowledge the contributions of Nature United staff and contractors (Claire Hutton, Sandra Thompson, Amanda Karst, Jonaki Bhattacharyya, Ally Menzies) as well as Dr. Jesse Popp who informed the content of this guide. We would like to acknowledge the Gitanyow representatives (Jimmy Morgan, Kevin Koch, Tara Marsden) who shared the story of their moose work that is woven throughout this guide. Graphic design by Peatr Thomas (Néhinaw/Anishinaabe). Art style inspiration of Lawrence Beaulieu.