How will your Indigenous Guardian program be governed?

Determining the governance framework for your Indigenous Guardian program will depend on the existing governance institutions and processes in your community and how and where your Indigenous Guardian program fits under these existing institutions and processes.

The structure of your Indigenous Guardian program will likely inform the governance framework and vice versa. Some factors to consider might include the relationships between your Indigenous Guardian program and:

  • Elected leadership
  • Hereditary leadership
  • Resource management boards/committees
  • Elders Advisory
  • Youth Advisory
  • Community Advisory

Governance can be understood as the process for decision-making and implementing decisions. It depends on organizational structures, decision-makers, and the information needed for decision-making.

When thinking about your program’s governance, it can be useful to consider questions about decision-making, reporting and authority.  Use the Worksheet "Governance of your Indigenous Guardian Program" to dive deeper into some important questions.

Every Indigenous community or organization will likely have established practices of what constitutes good or appropriate governance, as well as existing institutions and organizational frameworks to consider. The Centre for First Nations Governance provides guidance on 5 key pillars for effective governance that might be helpful to consider when developing a governance framework for your Indigenous Guardian program.


Worksheet: Governance of your Indigenous Guardian Program

This worksheet provides a series of questions to help think through some aspects of the governance of your Indigenous Guardian program related to decision-making, reporting and authority. Download it now


Worksheet: Governance of your Indigenous Guardian Program

"An important question to ask is ‘What governance processes and structures exist within your community and how does the Guardian program best fit in them?’ The program structure and governance needs to come from the community – it can’t be a best practice… it has to be grounded in the kinds of structures and processes that the community has. It can’t be imposed from outside."

Jana Kotaska, former Program Manager, Coastal Stewardship Network

"An important question to ask is ‘What governance processes and structures exist within your community and..."